African Safari (Spanish)

Safari Africano

Previsualice el video haciendo clic en la flecha “play”

Disfrute de un viaje por un parque safari africano para ver una increíble variedad de vida salvaje. Tome asiento en primera fila en los abrevaderos donde está la acción. Verá elefantes, jirafas, jabalíes, rinocerontes, cebras, leones y mucho más.

Duración del vídeo: 15:23 minutos.

Learning Resources with this Video*


Snapshot from a Safari – Writing Prompt

At the Waterhole Vocabulary Worksheet

African Safari Scavenger Hunt

Let Me Tell You!

Waterhole Gossip

Etosha KWL Chart

Trip Chat

Simile Sentences

Draw a Scene

Universal Resources

National Standards

*Links are active on Full Video page.

Classroom Ideas 

African Safari

Animals of the African Safari

Explore animal life on a safari. Ask students to choose an animal and research its habitat, appearance, diet, etc. Students can write a research paper or create a presentation about the animal.


Art and Writing

Draw a picture of an animal in its environment.

Then, write a paragraph about animal you chose and the environment it is in.



Draw a scene from the video you just watched.


African Music

Listen to music from Africa. Talk about some of the instruments played in African music.


Animal Comparisons

Compare animals found in Etosha National Park, with animals and fish in the Amazon Rainforest, Coral Reefs, Galapagos Island, and with animals in students’ everyday life.

In particular, have students identify the predators and prey that can be found in each of these ecosystems. Additionally, identify endangered species that live in each of the ecosystems mentioned.  Have students make a chart that states the endangered species, why that species is endangered, and how humans can help reverse the situation.


African Safari Journal

Have students write a diary or a story about traveling on an African Safari and discuss what they “saw” and experienced on their trip. 


Create a webquest on an African Safari. Students will work in pairs or small groups to complete the webquest, and then present their results.

African Animal Flashcards

Have fun with students by creating and presenting the cards and then asking the students to correctly name the animals.

African Wildlife vs. Local Animals

Create a comparison chart, showing the difference between African wildlife and the wildlife present where the student lives.

Explore Vocabulary

Identify key vocabulary terms while previewing each video. Prompt students to find the meaning of each word as they watch the video. Example: What does the word savannah  mean? Think about the meaning of this word as you watch this video about an African Safari.


Animal Art

Use playdoh or clay to create an animal viewed in the video



Draw a picture of a road sign that was in the video, or make up one of your own.


Video Research

Watch videos on Youtube about Etosha National Park and Namibia, including the deserts of Namibia. The goal is to learn more about this desert habitat/biome. 

Taxonomy and the Animal Kingdom

Have students discuss what the taxonomy system is and how it is divided into different classifications.  Then discuss the classification of the animal kingdom and how animals in the African Safari fit into it.


Create a diorama of the African Savannah.

Writing Topics

What was your favorite animal and why?  Draw a picture and describe the animal.

Would you like to visit Africa and why?

Would you go on an African safari?

What road signs did you see in the video?

How do the road signs differ from the ones in your neighborhood?

African Animal Presentations

Assign individual presentations on chosen African animals. For example, students could create Powerpoint presentations and perhaps recordings/video depictions of stories, as well as poems, picture collages, posters, etc.


African Safari in Action

In groups, students could come up with and put on plays in which they play different African animals, showing ways that they can interact with each other. At the beginning of the play, students will individually introduce themselves as their chosen animal, giving the class information on its characteristics and habits.


Lion for a Day

Ask the students to imagine they are a lion in Africa. Pose the questions: what would your name be as a lion? What would the other members of your pride (lion family) be like? How would you spend your days and nights? Discuss out loud or ask the students to write a story.


Classroom Ideas for ALL Videos

Here are dozens and dozens of ideas that you can use in your classroom along with our videos!

Temas Abarcados

Geografía del Parque Nacional de Etosha en Namibia, África

La vida de las aves en el P.N. de Etosha


Familia de antílopes



Leones, leopardos y guepardos

Rinocerontes blancos y negros

La vida cotidiana en el P.N. Etosha

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