Ancient Egypt: Land of the Pharaohs (Spanish)

Antiguo Egipto

Tierra de los faraones

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Una civilización como ninguna otra: empecemos por los dioses egipcios que regían los más mínimos detalles de la vida cotidiana. También protegían al todopoderoso faraón. Examinamos la realeza egipcia y la estructura social del antiguo Egipto, hasta llegar a la gente común, su vida cotidiana y los símbolos que eran importantes para ellos.

Duración del video: 27:27 mins.

Learning Resources with this Video*


Rich Resources

Ancient Egypt Social Pyramid

Prominent Pharaohs

Who Should Have The Rosetta Stone?

Draw A Scene

Universal Resources

National Standards

*Links are active on Full Video page.

Classroom Ideas 

Ancient Egypt: Land of the Pharaohs

Ancient Timeline

Create a timeline that shows what was happening in each of the Ancient Civilizations at certain points in time.  For example, who created calendars and at what point in time? Who was building pyramids and when?


Ancient Egyptian Art

Have students recreate Ancient Egyptian wall art and murals. 

Build A Pyramid

Use various craft materials to build a model of one of Ancient Egypt’s Pyramids. Discuss how a model is a smaller version of a large structure.


Social Hierarchy

Ask students to recreate the social pyramid of Ancient Egypt.  Who is at the top? Who is at the bottom? What role did each layer play in society?


Ancient Civilization Comparisons

Divide your class into smaller groups, with each group responsible for further researching how each ancient civilization has benefited the world.  They need to bring props to show (photos, food, items that represents tools and discoveries by each group).


Ancient Games

Find games and sports that were played during the specific ancient civilizations, teach students, and then have them play this game or sport. Alternatively, students could create one.


Discussion Topic

After studying about a specific ancient civilization (Ancient Greece, Romans, Mayans, Egypt, etc. ), have a class discussion about what a day in the life of a person would be like.  


Contact your local college or university to see if they have an archaeology program.  If so, see if your class can visit them and learn what has been discovered by structures and buildings left behind.


Draw a scene from the video you just watched.


Write Like an Egyptian!

Show students examples of Egyptian hieroglyphics, explaining that hieroglyphics were a mode of writing. Ask students to create their own system of symbols, requiring them to compile a vocabulary of at least five words (for example, names of animals, etc).


Ancient Egyptian Artifacts

Go to the Smithsonian website (maybe also the Louvre?) to show pictures of Ancient Egyptian artifacts, pyramids, etc.  

Gods and Goddesses

Have students make a list of the gods and goddesses mentioned in the video. List the areas of importance for each deity. Students can also research gods and goddesses that were not mentioned in the video, in order to add to the list.


Choose a God/Goddess

Study the different Egyptian Gods and Goddesses.  Have each student choose one and either dress like one, create a sculpture, or paint a picture of the God or Goddess that was chosen.  They can explain what they learned and why they chose that specific God or Goddess.


7 Wonders of the Ancient World

Have students research the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World.


Reading Suggestion

Have students read The Golden Goblet by Eloise Jarvis McGraw.  This book will provide an insight of what it would be like for a kid to live during Ancient Egyptian times.


The Pharaoh's Crowns

Research the different Royal Crowns that an Egyptian Pharaoh may have worn and then have students make one that they can wear.


Pyramid Comparisons

Have students compare the structure and purpose(s) of the Egyptian vs. Mayan pyramids. Discuss how they are similar and different. Discuss the techniques used to build each style of pyramid.


Classroom Ideas for ALL Videos

Here are dozens and dozens of ideas that you can use in your classroom along with our videos!

Temas Abarcados

Datos curiosos sobre Egipto

Geografía de Egipto

Importancia del Nilo

Dioses Principales: Amón, Ra, Nut, Isis, Osiris, Horus, Anubis, y más

El proceso de momificación

Ramsés II

El rey Tutankamón



Ropa real y cotidiana

Estructura social del antiguo Egipto




Inundación/agricultura a lo largo del Nilo


Símbolos – gatos, escarabajos, Ojo de Horus, Ankh, Báculo/Mayal


Videos in this Series

Ancient Egypt: Land of the Pyramids

Ancient Greece: Birthplace of Democracy

Ancient Rome

Ancient Mayan Civilization

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