Ancient Rome (Spanish)
Antigua Roma
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Ciao, amici! ¡Hola, amigos! Vamos a dar un paseo por la Antigua Roma visitando las nobles ruinas del Imperio Romano. El poder, la política y los dioses paganos forman parte de la gloria y la majestuosidad de la Ciudad Eterna. Retrocedemos en el tiempo para explorar las perdurables hazañas de la ingeniería y la imperecedera grandeza de la cuna de la civilización occidental.
Duración del video: 18:36 minutos.
Learning Resources with this Video*
My Visit To The Roman Forum
The Roman Arch
A Day in the Life – Ancient Rome
Draw A Scene
Universal Resources
National Standards
*Links are active on Full Video page.

Classroom Ideas
Ancient Rome

Ancient Timeline
Create a timeline that shows what was happening in each of the Ancient Civilizations at certain points in time. For example, who created calendars and at what point in time? Who was building pyramids and when?

Roman Arch
Work as a class to build an arch that Ancient Roman’s used for their buildings. You could use boxes, plastic containers, etc. This will give students an sense that this simple idea takes a lot more time and ingenuity to build.

Discussion Topic
After studying a specific ancient civilization (Ancient Greece, Romans, Mayans, Egypt, etc. ), have a class discussion about what a day in the life of a person would be like.

Contact your local college or university to see if they have an archaeology program. If so, see if your class can visit them and learn what has been discovered by structures and buildings left behind different ancient civilizations.

Create a diorama of Ancient Rome.

Greek vs. Roman Gods & Goddesses
The Ancient Greek and Roman Gods and Goddesses were much the same, but had different names. Have students come up with the list of both Greek and Roman names for their gods.

Gods and Goddesses
Study the different Roman Gods and Goddesses. Have each student choose one and either dress like on, create a sculpture, or paint a picture of the Roman God or Goddess that was chosen. They can explain what they learned and why they chose that specific God or Goddess.

Ancient Civilization Comparisons
Divide your class into smaller groups, with each group responsible for further researching how each ancient civilization has benefited the world. They need to bring props to show (photos, food, items that represents tools and discoveries by each group).

Create Quizzes
Students create a quiz based on the information presented for their peers. This can be used as a review for a test, or jigsaw class activity where students are responsible for teaching other students assigned topics.

Classroom Ideas for ALL Videos
Here are dozens and dozens of ideas that you can use in your classroom along with our videos!
Temas Abarcados
Los inicios de Roma
Gobernantes históricos
Ingeniería romana
Foros romanos
Los mercados de Trajano
Las termas romanas
Templo de Saturno
Basílica Julia
Templo de Vesta
Circo Máximo
Arcos del triunfo
Videos in this Series

Ancient Egypt: Land of the Pharaohs

Ancient Egypt: Land of the Pyramids

Ancient Greece

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