Canada: Coast to Coast (Spanish)


De costa a costa

Previsualice el video haciendo clic en la flecha “play”

Historia del videoAcompáñanos en nuestro viaje a través de este diverso país, desde las provincias marítimas de la costa oriental, visitando Ontario y Quebec, abriéndonos camino a través de las provincias occidentales, para terminar en la costa del Pacífico de la Columbia Británica.

Duración del video: 38:45 minutos

Learning Resources with this Video*


5 Highlights of Canada

Canada’s Provinces and Territories

Country Report Canada

Canada’s Heartland

Draw a Scene 

Set in Canada Writing Prompt

Universal Resources

National Standards

*Links are active on Full Video page.

Classroom Ideas 

Canada: Coast to Coast


Have students print out a map of Canada and identify where the sites in the video are located. 

5 Highlights

Students create a powerpoint of their top five notable Canadian sites that they would like to visit and explain why.

Comparison with U.S.

Canada is very similar to the United States in many ways. Discuss or write about ways that the two countries are different.

Cloze Practice

A cloze piece has full sentences used in the virtual field trip with blanks where students can write in the information that is missing. This task requires close listening to the trip in order to complete it.



Create a diorama of the higlights of Canada. Students could also just focus on one region.


Creative Writing

Write a story with Canada as the setting. The main character could be from another country (compare and contrast characters). 



Have students create an itinerary for a visit to Canada. Can it be done in one trip? Two? Three? What would your budget need to be? How long would it take? How would you get around? What would you like to see most?


Create Quizzes

Students create a quiz based on the information presented for their peers. This can be used as a review for a test, or jigsaw class activity where students are responsible for teaching other students assigned topics.


Country Report

Have students write a report about Canada including: landmarks, population, how it is similar to the United States, history (how it came to be), type of government, economy, famous sites, architecture, interesting facts, religions, food, etc.



Draw a scene from the video you just watched.


Classroom Ideas for ALL Videos

Here are dozens and dozens of ideas that you can use in your classroom along with our videos!

Temas Abarcados

Datos curiosos sobre Canadá

Las provincias atlánticas

La ciudad de Quebec y Montreal

Ottawa y Toronto

Las cataratas del Niágara y la vía marítima del San Lorenzo

El Escudo Canadiense

Las Llanuras Interiores

Alberta: Calgary y Edmonton

Vancouver, Victoria y Whistler

Yukón, Territorios del Noroeste y Nunavut

Norte Ártico

Animales del Norte Ártico

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