Galápagos Islands

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Utterly unique and enchanting, the volcanic Galápagos Islands provide a captivating zoological adventure unlike any other. Marine Iguanas grazing from the sea floor, Vampire finches, giant tortoises and many other animals provide fascinating insights into adaptation and survival in this harsh and otherworldly environment.

Video length: 27:03 minutes.

Learning Resources with this Video*

Quizzes – PDF & Online

Awesomely Adapted

Galapagos Animals and Their Adaptations

Galapagos Islands Conservation

Look, Listen, Connect

Simile Sentences

Creative Writing Prompt

Country Report – Ecuador

Journal Excerpt

Draw A Landscape: Galapagos Islands

Universal Resources

National Standards

*Links are active on Full Video page.

Classroom Ideas 

Galapagos Islands

The Galapagos Tortoise: Species Profile

Ask students to research and write a species profile of the Galapagos tortoise. They should include information such as different subspecies, length, weight, etc. Younger students will enjoy drawing a picture.


Catching Some Rays!

Teach students about why reptiles need to warm themselves in the sun.

Animals of the Galapagos Islands

Explore animal life in the Galapagos Islands. Ask students to choose a native animal and research its habitat, appearance, diet, etc. Students can write a research paper or create a presentation about the animal.


Have students print out a map of the Galapagos Islands and identify where the sites in the video are located.


Prompt students to write a report about how people can conserve natural resources and eliminate threats to endangered species and civilization in the Galapagos Islands. 

Art and Writing

Draw a picture of a Galapagos animal in its environment.

Then, write a paragraph about the animal you chose and the environment it lives in.


Use playdoh or clay to create an insect or animal viewed in the video.

Country Report

Have students identify the following for the Galapagos Islands: landforms, population, how it is similar to the United States, history (how it came to be), type of government, economy, famous sites, interesting facts, languages spoken, etc.


Draw a landscape from the Galapagos Islands.

Animal Comparison

Compare animals found in the Galapagos Islands, with Etosha National Park, Amazon Rainforest, Coral Reefs, and animals in their everyday life.


Create a diorama of the Galapagos Islands.

Human Impact

Have students research the effects of humans on the Galapagos Islands, both positive and negative. Collect ideas as to how humans can help to protect this unique habitat as well as its inhabitants.

Galapagos Islands Journal

Have students write a diary or a story about traveling through the Galapagos Islands and discuss what they “saw” and experienced during their trip.


Create a webquest on the animals of the Galapagos Islands. Students will work in pairs or small groups to complete the webquest, and then present their results.

The Galapagos Tortoise's Amazing Lifespan

The Galapagos tortoise can live up to 150 years! Tell students this and ask them to think of all the historical events that have happened in 150 years, making them realize that all those events have likely taken place within the lifetime of one Galapagos tortoise.


Adaptation and Evolution

Create a worksheet on the concept of adaptation and evolution.


Landforms and Bodies of Water

Identify landforms and bodies of water around the Galapagos Islands. Consider a comparison with other landforms in the world such as mountains and waterfalls in Cuba.


Explore Vocabulary

Identify key vocabulary terms while previewing each video. Prompt students to find the meaning of each word as they watch the video. Example: What does the word endemic mean? Think about the meaning of this word as you watch this video about the Galapagos Islands.


Save the Galapagos Islands Campaign

Students can create a mock campaign to preserve the Galapagos Islands and their important animals. This could include a campaign poster design, slideshow, persuasive speech presentation, etc.


Animal Art

Draw a picture of your favorite animal from the video.

Draw a picture of the ecosystem it lives in.


Taxonomy and the Animal Kingdom

Have students discuss what the taxonomy system is and how it is divided into different classifications.  Then discuss the classification of the animal kingdom and how species in the Amazon Rainforest fit into it.


Ecotourism Debate

Create 2 debate teams – one team in favour of ecotourism, the other against. Students can use the video as part of their evidence in a debate, e.g. for/against ecotourism. 


Creative Writing

Write a story with the Galapagos Islands as the setting. The main character could be from another country (compare and contrast characters). 


The Galapagos Islands in Action

In groups, students could come up with and put on plays in which they play different Galapagos Island animals, showing ways that they can interact with each other. At the beginning of the play, students will individually introduce themselves as their chosen animal, giving the class information on its characteristics and habits.


Galapagos Islands Animal Presentations

Assign individual presentations on chosen Galapagos Islands animals. For example, students could create Powerpoint presentations and perhaps recordings/video depictions of stories, as well as poems, picture collages, posters, etc.

Classroom Ideas for ALL Videos

Here are dozens and dozens of ideas that you can use in your classroom along with our videos!

Topics Covered In This Video

Fun facts about the Galapagos Islands

History of the islands

Formation of the islands

Geography of the islands

Ocean life around the islands

Darwin’s expedition and findings

Galapagos Tortoises

Marine Iguanas

Remarkable birds & bird life

Many rare & fascinating animals

Volcanoes and lava tubes

Threats to the Galapagos Islands

Videos in this Series

Galapagos Islands (Spanish)

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