Grade 1 - Families and Neighbors- Closed Captioned
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Video Storyline: Families make up the backbone of our society, and have different customs. We share these customs with others with our celebrations. Many of the people that immigrated here brought many things with them, along with their customs.
Video length: 6:55 minutes.
Learning Resources with this Video*
Quizzes – PDF & Online
The Neighborhood – Vocabulary Worksheet
My Interview with a Neighbor
Share a Family Custom
Families & Neighbors – Discussion Cards
Draw a Scene
Universal Resources
National Standards
*Links are active on Full Video page.

Classroom Ideas
Families and Neighbors

Greetings Around the World
Explore different ways to greet people across various cultures (bowing in Japan, saying hola in Cuba, etc.).

Independence Day around the World
Compare/contrast celebrations such as Independence Day in the U.S., Bastille Day (France) and National Revolution Day (Cuba). Explore the similarities and differences between these celebrations.

Discussion Topics
What events does your family celebrate?
How does your family celebrate special occasions?
How does your family spend time together?

Explore Vocabulary
Identify key vocabulary terms while previewing each video. Prompt students to find the meaning of each word as they watch the video.

Listen to music from different countries.

International Cuisine
Explore signature foods from various cultures such as Mexico, Italy, and France.

Local Festivals
Have students research cultural festivals at the local, state, and national levels.

Cloze Practice
A cloze piece has full sentences used in the virtual field trip with blanks where students can write in the information that is missing. This task requires close listening to the trip in order to complete it.
Coral reefs are the _______ type of ecosystem in the world. They’ve been around for over _____ million years.
Answers: oldest; 240
Alternatively, you could have students create 5-10 cloze statements and they could share those with the class.
A third alternative is to distribute the cloze worksheets before watching the video. Students can fill them in as they watch.

Art and Social Studies
Draw a scene from the video.

Classroom Ideas for ALL Videos
Here are dozens and dozens of ideas that you can use in your classroom along with our videos!
Topics Covered In This Video
Families can be big or small
We can do fun things with our families
We can help our families by following rules and helping out
Families live in neighborhoods where we have fun sharing celebrations & customs
There are many different kinds of celebrations like religious celebrations, weddings, and more
These celebrations can be even more fun if we share our different cultures with each other.
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Grade 1 - Life Long Ago

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