Southwest Region of the US: Early Beginnings (Spanish)

Región del Suroeste

Primeros Comienzos

Previsualice el video haciendo clic en la flecha “play”

Historia del videoViajemos en el tiempo para conocer cómo surgió la región del Suroeste. Examinaremos las formaciones terrestres, la geografía, los recursos naturales, el clima, la historia y la economía de la región. Los alumnos comprenderán cómo la región se convirtió en el lugar que es hoy en día.

Video complementario de La Región Suroeste: Hoy

 Duración del video: 42:00 minutos


Learning Resources with this Video*


Southwest State Study

Southwest Region – Video Breakdown

Draw A Scene – Southwest Region

Mapping the Southwest Region of the U.S.

Universal Resources

National Standards 

*Links are active on Full Video page.

Temas Abarcados

Estados del suroeste

Formaciones terrestres


Recursos naturales



Classroom Ideas 

Región del Suroeste

Primeros Comienzos

Landforms and Bodies of Water

Print out or look at a map of the Southwest.

Identify landforms and bodies of water in the Southwest Region.


Cloze Practice

A cloze piece has full sentences used in the virtual field trip with blanks where students can write in the information that is missing. This task requires close listening to the trip in order to complete it.


Art and Social Studies

Draw a scene from the video you just watched.


Create Quizzes

Students create a quiz based on the information presented for their peers. This can be used as a review for a test, or Jigsaw class activity where students are responsible for teaching other students assigned topics.


Visual Learning

Offer videos to struggling learners as another form of creating knowledge and accessing information.


Classroom Ideas for ALL Videos

Here are dozens and dozens of ideas that you can use in your classroom along with our videos!

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