National Parks - Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana & Colorado (Spanish)
Parques Nacionales de la Región Oeste – WA, OR, ID, MT, CO
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Espectaculares montañas escarpadas cubiertas de glaciares, un bosque tropical templado, escarpadas costas con torres de roca, gigantescas dunas de arena, antiguas viviendas en acantilados y escarpados cañones de roca. Todos estos paisajes, su historia y mucho más se exploran en este recorrido por los Parques Nacionales de la parte norte de la región oeste.
Video completo: 29:47 minutos
Learning Resources with this Video*
Comparing National Parks
National Parks – Junior Rangers
Extraordinary Ecosystems
Why Are Glaciers Melting?
Draw A Landscape – National Parks
National Parks: WA, OR, ID, MT, & CO Video Breakdown
Universal Resources
National Standards
*Links are active on Full Video page.

Classroom Ideas
National Parks – WA, OR, ID, MO, CO

Pick a Park
Students will choose another National Park (not in the video), maybe the one they would most like to visit. Students will then research it, and present it to the class.

Identify and make a list of the landforms in these National Parks.

Background Research
Ask students to find out how many National Parks there are in the United States and

Have students print out a map of the National Parks and identify where the sites in the video are located.

Cloze Practice
A cloze piece has full sentences used in the virtual field trip with blanks where students can write in the information that is missing. This task requires close listening to the trip in order to complete it.
Example: Coral reefs are the _______ type of ecosystem in the world. They’ve been around for over _____ million years.
Answers: oldest; 240
Alternatively, you could have students create 5-10 cloze statements and they could share those with the class.
A third alternative is to distribute the cloze worksheets before watching the video. Students can fill them in as they watch.

National Park Service
Ask students to look into the different classifications of the National Park Service. For example, what is the difference between a National Park, a National Monument, a National Preserve, etc.

Pick a Favourite
Have each student choose an interesting site from the video, and make a replica of it as well as writing a paragraph to explain why that site was chosen.

Have you ever visited a National Park? Write about your experience and share it with the class.

Road Trip!
Tell students they are going to take a “trip” to 4 National Parks in the United States.

Which One is Closest?
Students will determine which National Park is closest to where they are located. Use mapping skills if needed. Students will then research it and write about it.

A National Park is Born
Research how various national parks are created. Choose one of the National Parks in the video and discuss how it came into being.

Create Quizzes
Students create a quiz based on the information presented for their peers. This can be used as a review for a test, or class activity where students are responsible for teaching other students assigned topics.

Art and Social Studies
Draw a landscape from the video you just watched.

Explore Vocabulary
Identify key vocabulary terms while previewing each video. Prompt students to find the meaning of each word as they watch the video.

Junior Rangers
Ask students if they have ever heard of the Junior Rangers program through the

Choose 2 National Parks to compare and contrast.
Research/compare landforms and biomes
Research/compare rocks and minerals found in the parks
Research/compare weather patterns in parks

Students will answer the question “Why are National Parks important?”

Make a List
Students choose their top five notable sites that they would like to visit in these parks. They will explain why they chose their list and older students can present their list with a PowerPoint presentation.

Classroom Ideas for ALL Videos
Here are dozens and dozens of ideas that you can use in your classroom along with our videos!
Temas Abarcados
Formación del Servicio de Parques Nacionales
¿Qué hace que un Parque Nacional sea especial?
Parque Nacional de las Cascadas del Norte
Parque Nacional del Monte Rainier
Parque Nacional Olímpico
Parque Nacional del Lago del Cráter
Monumento Nacional de los Cráteres de la Luna
Parque Nacional de los Glaciares
Parque Nacional de Mesa Verde
Parque Nacional de las Grandes Dunas de Arena
Parque Nacional de las Montañas Rocosas
Cañón Negro del Gunnison
Videos in this Series

National Parks - West: Nevada & California

National Parks - West: Wyoming & Utah