Rome - The Eternal City (Spanish)

Roma: La Ciudad Eterna

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Rome ha sido, sin interrupción, una de las ciudades más importantes de mundo occidental. Primero como capital del imperio romano y, hoy en día, continúa siendo el centro de la iglesia católica y una influencia importante para la cristiandad. Roma también encarna algunos de los atributos más grandiosos de la época renacentista. Acompáñanos a explorar los muchos atractivos de esta ciudad en constante evolución.

Duración del video: 37:34 minutos

Learning Resources with this Video*


Artistic Approaches

Destination Rome

Vocabulary Exploration Worksheet

Rome – The Eternal City – Creative Writing Essay

Draw a Scene

Universal Resources

National Standards

*Links are active on Full Video page.

Classroom Ideas

Rome: The Eternal City

Food of Rome

Create a recipe for a dish seen in the video (uses fractions, measurements, + directions)


Greetings Around the Word

Explore different ways to greet people across various cultures (“Buongiorno” in Italy, bowing in Japan, saying “Hola” in Cuba, etc.).


Explore Vocabulary

Identify key vocabulary terms while previewing each video. Prompt students to find the meaning of each word as they watch the video. Example: What does the word Renaissance  mean? Think about the meaning of this word as you watch this video about Rome.



Listen to music from Italy.


Creative Writing

Write a story with Rome as the setting. The main character could be from another country (compare and contrast characters).


Create Quizzes

Students create a quiz based on the information presented for their peers. This can be used as a review for a test, or jigsaw class activity where students are responsible for teaching other students assigned topics.



Have students print out a map of Rome and identify where the sites in the video are located.


Natural Wonders vs. Landmarks

Explore the concepts of natural wonders vs. manmade structures. Research how various landmarks around Rome were created.


Art History

Recreate famous pieces of art in Rome.

Local Festivals

Have students research Italian festivals at the local, state, and national levels. 

Art and Social Studies

Draw a scene from the video you just watched.

Classroom Ideas for ALL Videos

Here are dozens and dozens of ideas that you can use in your classroom along with our videos!

Temas Abarcados

Datos divertidos sobre Roma

La Roma del Renacimiento

La Piazza Campidoglio de Miguel Ángel

La colina Palatina

La colina Quirinal

La Fontana di Trevi

Definiciones de Renacimiento y Barroco

Miguel Ángel, Rafael y Bernini

Iglesias famosas y arte

Ciudad del Vaticano y la Guardia Suiza

Plaza San Pedro

Basílica de San Pedro

Museos Vaticanos

Galería Borghese

Piazza Navona

El Panteón

Plazas famosas


El barrio judío

Vía Apia

Ostia Antica

La comida y el estilo de vida de los romanos

Videos in this Series

Ancient Rome

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